Fun but too glitchy
I'm voting 0 just because I think you need to go back and work on the game some more. The timer is broken (it doesn't reset when the game does; it starts at where-ever it was when you finish the game. I don't know whether you meant for the barriers to totally stop the car or just slow it down, but it does neither very well; there was one point I got stuck in the middle of a barrier and it wouldn't let me turn out of it. The instructions say to make it to the point before the time runs out, but your timer only seems to count upward. Also, you should use a different font or color scheme in the menu; it was exceedingly difficult just to figure out exactly what the instructions say. It was also very odd that the car did not change coordinates or even direction between levels and that it seemed to drive and handle the same whether it was going forward or in reverse.
If you fix these problems your game could be worth more towards a 3 or 4.